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Hila Keren - User Experience Designer
Hello! I'm Hila


What I do best

Mobile Design

People spend more and more time on smartphone and consume apps to help them with any aspect of their life: sport, education, lifestyle, music etc', each app should make users' life a little bit better

Work with developers

When working closely with developers great apps happen,
Making sure everything is pixel perfect!

Friendly UI

In my opinion this is the most important part, users should not learn how to use apps, they should feel home right away

Character Design

This is always the fun part, a character could be anything from cute to scary.
I will create the one that is right for you


Get to know me

I'm a passionate and experienced designer seeking a career that fits my professional skills, personality and goals.
I have a passion for making a better, simpler and clearer UI.

I have 5+ years experience in Game design, UI/UX, Illustrations, 2D/3D simulations.

Kaloo my final graduation film was nominated for best student animation film in Haifa's international 26 film festival.

Feel free to email me
or call me +972-54-4900-848